Future Management Suggestions

Below are four key management ideas that should be getting the most focus in any future plans.

  • Alternatives to bushmeat must be established - For many, bushmeat is the only source of affordable protein, but would switch to other sources of protein like beef or poultry if they were more available. Agricultural development is crucial to getting access to alternative meat for all. Public awareness is also key, as many cattle farmers use their cattle for pretty much everything, including prestige, except for meat and turn to bushmeat to get their protein instead (Milner-Gulland, 2004).

  • No-take areas - Areas where hunting is not allowed in. These areas would need to be well managed and enforced, including steep fines or jail time. These areas could be contrasted with areas where hunting of certain species is still allowed. Any kind of traditional hunting practices could still be preserved in the take areas and wildlife species can be preserved in the no-take areas.

  • Bans on hunting certain species - This one is pretty straight-forward, placing bans on hunting species like the great apes or elephants; species that are close to extinction already. Banning the species wouldn't necessarily be enough though, there would have to be effective enforcement of the ban to prevent poachers from doing what they do now and taking those species anyway.

  • Increasing public awareness - Of course, it all comes back to public awareness. It's something I believe is a cornerstone in any successful management plan. The public could never be too informed.


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